Laszlo Biro invented ball - point pen.
互联网Lasz 1 o Biro invented the ball - point pen.
互联网Specializing in the production of various types of ball - point pen.
互联网With painting painting under the ball - point pen, very cattle!
用圆珠笔下画的画, 太牛了!
互联网It's fashionable to fun at the ball - point pen to write it!
以这时髦的 圆珠笔 畅快的书写吧!
互联网I want to buy both a pencil and a ball - point pen .
我也要买铅笔,也要买 原子笔.
互联网May I try out this ball - point pen, please ?
我试一下这支圆珠笔可以 吗 ?
互联网He got a refill for his ball - point pen.
互联网This ball - point pen is theirs.
互联网Who invented the ball - point pen?
互联网Use a ball - point pen or similar to push the Reset button on the unit.
互联网Is a factory specializing in - end ball - point pen Gel advertising pens and pencils the pens auto business.
互联网She labeled them neatly, writing the addresses in ball point pen and capital letters.
她为它们整齐地贴上标签, 用圆珠笔标出大写字母地址.
互联网Roller Pen, Ball Point Pen, Laser Ball Pen, All kinds of Pen. Writing Instruments.
采购产品滚筒钢笔, 球指出钢笔, 激光圆珠笔, 各种的钢笔. 写作器具.
互联网Xinwei Products Factory specialized in producing various kinds of LED lamps LED pens, plastic ball - point pen.
新伟制品厂专业生产各类LED发光灯笔 、 塑胶圆珠笔.
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